Thursday 4 July 2013

childhood dreams

Well hello there. First of all I don’t know if a guy should go blogging like this . it made me feels gay hahahah trololololl . but nevermind. Apart from Blogging I also do VBlogging. Well VBlogging are actually a way of blogging using videos. Still tryna get used to it.

Okay for today I decided to participate in today’s blog challenge that one of my friend made. Although she actually didn’t like me participating in this hahahha

Cuz I think she’s annoyed with me. She didn’t like me go through her blog too. But seriously dear. Bear with me. You know me well enough to endure me :P . so I asked them this morning what would be the topic and em said.

“childhood dream”

so i shall start now. actually i have too so many childhood dream
like seriesli. i shall go one by one. this might be a bit weird or
you maybe just wanna puke or whatsoever. but. a kid's a kid.

1. i always wanted to touch the rainbow. i always wanted to go to the end of rainbow. it's so damn pretty i thought it was made of cotton candy :3. like after every rain they will appeared suddenly out of nowhere right ? and i would stand there amazed by it. like you saw a big "gelongsor" and u just wanna ride on it. wouldn't it be awesome if we could.

2. i always wanted to have my own Pokemon. you know pokemon right ? sure you do. this is what i called my own childhood adventure. if pokemon do exist i'd be like "gotta catch em all!" . my fav pokemon is Charizard cuz you know it is powerful fire type pokemon. i trained it once in pokemon yellow. and i so love it <3 :3

3. i always wanted to have my own doraemon. just imagine if you have companion like that. you'd be like "Bitch please, i got em pocket!". it would be awesome. like a cat, can talk, have pocket with a big head and lots of awesome tools. it's like so awesome. uh i want one.

4. i always wanted to be a red rangers. i mean isn't it cool to have tights costume like that hahahha. even can do acrobats after wearing such fancy cloth. lololollllll hahhaa. everytime i play with brother and cousins, i always be fighting for that place to become a red ranger and i would always win hahahahhah. then we will be playing rangers all day long.

5. i always imagine i have a sword on my hand. and i'am fighting with imaginary samurai and ninja. i'd be like always winning those fight. although sometime this might be forever alone thingy. cuz only i can see this and everyone does not so i think i live in my dream for quite a while. 

6. last but not least. i always wanted to have a younger sister. and i always think if i have one, she would be so cute :3. atleast to me she will. and she would be my princess. i would be the king. protecting her from those insolent creatures B|
   she would be like abang kanol. saya mau tu . saya mau ni. saya mau semua. and i would be like iyaa iyaa iyaa. the main weakness to me. hahahhaa trolololll. if only my mom can gave birth to more heroin than heroes. that would be great :p

well i guess so there's this and there's that. i still think i'm living my dream. i hope i do 
well until then . adios amigos